“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” — Henry David Thoreau
Along the paths we travel, we sometimes go faster and further than we thought we could and sometimes we will stumble. No matter how far we need to go, the sooner we start on the right path the easier it will be to get to the end and enjoy the moment. Having to travel a long distance, one step in front of the other, over 40 years is much easier than having to travel the same distance in 20.
The same goes for saving money to reach a desired goal like a down payment on a car, or helping pay for college expenses, or a down payment on a house, or having sufficient savings to reasonably last through retirement while stopping to smell the roses.
Having lived a blessed life with its own ups and downs, I have learned first hand about the importance of saving pennies, Benjamins, and Franklins. At the start of a fresh new year, I am heading down my own path of providing some of my thoughts, perspectives, learning concepts, and wisdom on learning about money, earning money, saving, investing, and spending it too.
The journey of having to travel a long distance may appear daunting yet it is made easier with proper planning, preparation, nutrition, execution, check-ups, and rest as well as intangibles such as faith, inspiration, and perseverance. Lacking focus in any one area or stumbling along the way may make it harder to achieve but the journey is still worth completing.
The same goes for wisely saving money. The sooner you start the higher the likelihood of success and the easier it may be to cross the finish line, having saved enough for your first car, or for a trip of your dreams, or the ultimate goal of having saved and saved and saved and to see the saving grow in a steady manner and to be able to live comfortably and enjoy your retirement years.
Set aside some time to begin to take stock of how you can start achieving realistic savings goals.
So were to begin? Simply, Start NOW!
– unknown
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